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Invisalign® services offered in Norwalk, CA

Invisalign® services offered in the greater Norwalk, CA area

Invisalign® oral aligners are an affordable and effective alternative to metal braces. At Pioneer Dental Group in Norwalk, California, Dr. Behzad Binafard, DDS and the team prescribes Invisalign treatment to kids, teens, and adults with alignment issues, like crooked, crowded, or overlapping teeth. Call the Los Angeles area practice today to schedule an Invisalign consultation for yourself or your child, or book an appointment online.

Invisalign® Q & A

What is Invisalign orthodontic treatment?

Invisalign is a type of orthodontics. It uses removable aligners to improve the position of your teeth and jaw. The concept is similar to metal braces, but the difference is there are no metal brackets, archwires, or rubber bands involved.

Invisalign aligners look like a mouthguard. You slip them over your upper or lower teeth and wear them for 22 hours each day, only removing them to eat or brush and floss. 

What types of alignment issues benefit from Invisalign treatment?

The Pioneer Dental Group team uses Invisalign treatment to address several alignment issues, including:

  • Overcrowding
  • Crooked teeth
  • Overlapping teeth
  • Gaps between the teeth
  • Misaligned jaws

Invisalign effectively treats bite abnormalities, including underbite, overbite, and crossbite.

How do I know if I’m an Invisalign candidate?

To determine if you’re an Invisalign candidate, your Pioneer Dental Group provider completes an oral exam and takes digital X-rays. If your teeth or jaws aren’t in alignment, you qualify for treatment. Invisalign is an excellent alternative to braces because it’s more discreet. The aligners are clear, so they blend in with your teeth. 

What does Invisalign treatment involve?

If the team determines you qualify for Invisalign, they take digital impressions of your upper and lower teeth. Then, they use the impressions to create a blueprint, mapping out the precise movements of your teeth and jaw.

After finalizing the treatment plan, your provider shares it with the on-site dental lab. Then, the lab techs develop a set of custom aligners specifically for you. 

During Invisalign treatment, you get a new set of aligners every 2-3 weeks. Each set has a slightly different design, changing the amount of pressure placed on your teeth and jaws.

When will I see results from Invisalign treatment?

Invisalign treatment is similar to traditional orthodontic treatment in that it takes about a year to see results. Depending on the alignment issues, it might take 18 months or longer*. 

To speed things up, wear your aligners 20-22 hours daily, attend each checkup at Pioneer Dental Group, and follow your dentist’s guidance.

How do I keep my Invisalign aligners clean?

Care for your Invisalign aligners like you would a mouthguard or night guard. Rinse them in cool tap water whenever you take them out to eat and gently brush them before going to bed. For more extensive cleanings, ask the team about Invisalign Cleaning Crystals. 

To explore the benefits of Invisalign treatment, call Pioneer Dental Group today and make an appointment, or book your consultation online. 

*Results may vary.