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On-Site Dental Lab

On-Site Dental Lab services offered in Norwalk, CA

On-Site Dental Lab services offered in the greater Norwalk, CA area

The on-site dental lab at Pioneer Dental Group in Norwalk, California, provides high-quality dental restorations, including crowns, bridges, dentures, and implant restorations. Because the lab is in-house, you save time and money without having to visit the office more than necessary. Call the Los Angeles area practice today to schedule a consultation with the on-site dental lab, or book your appointment online.

On-Site Dental Lab Q & A

Why is an on-site dental lab better than a traditional dental lab?

An on-site dental lab boasts several advantages compared to traditional dental labs. First, everything from the digital scans and design process to manufacturing and restoration placement occurs in-office. That allows for quicker turnaround times, better fits, and improved customer satisfaction.

What’s more, there’s no back-and-forth between the lab and the dental office. If the restoration doesn’t fit as it should, your Pioneer Dental Group provider simply makes the necessary adjustments. 

What services does the on-site dental lab provide?

The on-site dental lab at Pioneer Dental Group offers various restorative services, including:

Crowns and bridges
Crowns are porcelain, metal, or ceramic caps bonded on top of a damaged or severely decaying tooth. They restore your tooth’s appearance, allowing you to bite and chew confidently.

Bridges replace a missing tooth lost to trauma, extraction, or general wear-and-tear. They “bridge” the gap in your smile and prevent your existing teeth from shifting.

Dental implant restorations
Dental implant restorations are crowns, bridges, or dentures attached to dental implants –– metal posts that integrate with your jaw. Your Pioneer Dental Group provider places the implants into your empty tooth sockets, and they fuse with the bone. 

Dentures are removable appliances similar to implant restorations. The difference is that they rest on your gums instead of attaching to metal posts. 

Pioneer Dental Group offers partial, complete, and implant-retained dentures.

The on-site dental lab at Pioneer Dental Group has access to high-quality materials and cutting-edge computer-design software. When combined, these tools allow for state-of-the-art dental restorations.

Does the on-site dental lab provide same-day restorations?

The on-site dental lab at Pioneer Dental Group offers quick turnarounds, but not same-day restorations. The team completes crowns and bridges within a few days, but other appliances, like dentures, often take longer. Even so, most people only need to visit the office twice to achieve their desired results. 

How does the on-site dental lab ensure quality control?

The Pioneer Dental Group team has a comprehensive quality control system that monitors the design and manufacture of every dental restoration. After a restoration is finished, a quality control manager examines the final product and runs a series of tests to assess its strength and durability.

Call Pioneer Dental Group today to schedule a consultation at the on-site dental lab, or book your appointment online.